Dentist in Glasgow,
What are the most innovative dental treatments?
By Hannah Kemp 06th Jul 2020
Braces have been in place for many years as a form of teeth straightening, and the first college dedicated to dentistry, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, opened in 1840. Thankfully, dental treatments have come a long way since then. In the 20th and 21st centuries dental treatments and inventions have boomed, resulting in most of the treatments we know of today. If you think you need any dental care, our dentist in Glasgow can offer you a wide range of treatments to help you.
When you look to Buttercup 7 Day Dental, our dentist in Glasgow, one of the dental treatments that you may be considering might be invisible braces. The earliest form of braces still used today are metal braces with brackets, as the invention of dental adhesives allowed braces to become widespread. However, patients often choose not to get braces, especially in adulthood, due to some aesthetic and comfort concerns that have been associated with metal braces. Invisible braces address this issue as they are a more subtle way of straightening your teeth.
There are various forms of invisible braces available at our dentist in Glasgow, such as invisible aligners, lingual braces or invisible braces. The most popular are invisible aligners and invisible braces. Invisible aligners are plastic moulds of a patient’s dental arch, a series of which applies progressively increasing pressure in an improving way on the patient’s teeth. Invisible braces have the same structure as metal braces, but the brackets and the archwires are made out of plastics that are barely visible.
History of dentistry
Dentistry is an age old science that has been of crucial importance for a wide range of people of different ages. Advancements of the field sped up in the 1700s: Pierre Fauchard, wrote a book called “The Surgeon Dentist, a Treatise on Teeth”, identifying that tooth decay was caused by acids produced from foods that contain sugar being in the mouth.
What are dental implants, and do I need them?
Dental implants are metal appliances inserted into the jawbone, which act as an artificial root and thus integrate into the bone and the surrounding tissues. This makes dental implants very resilient, strong and long lasting. Some patients claim that chewing food has become even easier than with their natural teeth! It is best however, to keep your natural teeth as long as possible, and you can facilitate this by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, and by using antibacterial mouthwashes frequently. If you need dental implants, our dentist in Glasgow can provide you with them.
Tooth decay and subsequent tooth loss have affected people for millennia. These conditions cannot only hinder patients in their normal everyday activities, such as chewing and speaking, but they can also cause severe mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression. Various solutions exist for this, however the most innovative are probably dental implants, and we can provide these alongside our friendly and always professional customer service. We can advise you on which treatments may be best suited to you, and help you along every step of your dental journey.
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