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Dentist in Glasgow,

Diving into the world of dental implants and what our dentist in Glasgow has to say about them


Missing a tooth or multiple teeth has never been a pleasant experience. Whether it was an accidental knock or certain life choices that led to the lost tooth, the cold air seeping through the gap can be somewhat annoying. Luckily, restoring your smile and getting it back up to full functionality is easy to achieve and dental implants are the way forward on this.

At Buttercup 7 Day Dental, we have assisted a large majority of our patients in achieving the smile they want through the restoration process. However, are they the solution for you?

Below our dentist in Glasgow answers some of the more popular questions on the topic.

How do I know whether dental implants are suitable for me?

Whenever we begin to look into solutions to improve your oral health, alongside the common internet search is the chat with your dental team. This important step not only begins to open up communication between the team but helps get things moving along. With the lines of communication open, a consultation can be booked during which different options can be explored, explained and presented to you without the complex terms and unnecessary dental jargon. After all, in most cases, the patient just wants to know how to get from A to B and have a beautiful smile at the end. The consultation can therefore help narrow down the options and bring focus to the solutions that will be suitable for your case.

Will the procedure hurt?

With images of drills being inserted into the jaw bone, it is no wonder that people fear the pain that accompanies the image. However, if it was painful, dental implants would not be so popular. As with all dental processes, minimal discomfort is to be expected afterwards, but this can be managed via over-the-counter painkillers. During the process, a local anaesthetic will be applied to the surrounding area to aid in your comfort throughout the procedure. Should you have fears about the process or should the discomfort turn to pain, contact our dentist in Glasgow to get the assistance you require.

Are the teeth attached immediately?

In most cases, once the dental implant has been inserted into the jaw bone, it is left to heal for several weeks. During this time, a temporary crown may be fitted, and then once the implant has fused with the bone to create a solid artificial root, the permanent tooth will be attached.

Are implants a permanent solution?

Unfortunately, implants are not a lifetime solution for tooth replacement, but they are one of the long term options. Provided that the oral hygiene of the individual is at a high standard, their dental implants can last between 10 to 15 years at least. In order to achieve this length of time, bad habits such as smoking need to be reduced and preferably eliminated. The consumption of fizzy drinks and alcohol needs to be reduced or eliminated altogether, and attending regular dental checkup appointments is a must. These alterations to life and checkups with our dentist in Glasgow will help protect your smile.

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